News Archives
AY 2024-2025
Faculty Senate Budget Representative October 28, 2024 Report
Welcome to the first post of the Faculty Senate Budget Representative (FSBR) blog. I am Kristi Tyran, a Professor in the Management Department of the College of Business and Economics, and I was elected to serve as the FSBR for AY 2024-25.
In 2023, the Faculty Senate voted to replace its University Planning and Resource Council (UPRC) with two new positions, the Faculty Senate University Budget Representative and the Faculty Senate University Budget Deputy Representative. Tesla Monson, an Associate Professor in the Anthropology Department, currently serves in the deputy role and will become the FSBR in AY 2025-26.
Together, we provide advocacy, transparency, and communication on budget-related issues. We represent faculty perspectives, questions, and concerns to the administration, and report back to the faculty. As part of our ongoing efforts to serve as a resource for faculty regarding budget questions, we will be providing regular updates through this blog. Since the start of the Fall Quarter, a great deal has happened!
Faculty and Shared Governance: Apply Now
In Fall 2024, the Faculty Senate launched a new webpage and application process to encourage participation in shared governance.
ACC Handbook Launched Aug. 1
During Summer 2024, the ACC Handbook, which had not been fully reviewed or updated since Fall 2018, was updated and corrected. The web-based version contains changes that are minor, technical, and/or reflect updates to approved policies. Additionally, some sections were moved or retitled to improve wayfinding and ease of use.
The web version will benefit ACC members in their curricular review and policy roles and will assist faculty, college curriculum committees, and academic units by providing improved transparency in accessing policies and procedures.
AY 2023-2024
Revised Policy on Credit Hours and RSI Guidance
On April 22, 2024, the Faculty Senate approved the Academic Coordinating Committee (ACC) revised Policy on Credit Hours and RSI Guidance document to meet the regulatory emphasis on Regular and Substantive Interaction (RSI).