University Committee Vacancies

Thank you for your interest in being part of shared governance at Western! Faculty representatives to several University committees require appointment by the Faculty Senate. This page has resources you need to learn more about and apply to serve on these Committees. 

Current Vacancies

The following table lists current vacancies and application deadlines. If you are interested in serving on a committee that currently does not have an opening, please use the application link to be added to the applicant list should a vacancy occur during the academic year.

CommitteeLearn MoreVacancyApply
Academic Grievance BoardAGB PageNone CurrentlyApply Here
Academic Honesty BoardAHB PageApplication Period ClosedApply Here
Advisory Committee on Socially Responsible Investing (Board of Trustees) Application Period ClosedApply Here
President's Sustainability CouncilCouncil PageApplication Period ClosedApply Here 
Research and Creative Activities Council (RCAC)RCAC PageNone CurrentlyApply Here
RCAC Additional GrantsRCAC PageApplication Period ClosedApply Here 
RCAC Summer Research GrantsRCAC PageApplication Period ClosedApply Here 
RCAC Summer Teaching GrantsRCAC PageApplication Period ClosedApply Here 
Scholastic Standing CommitteeSSC PageNone CurrentlyApply Here
Student Conduct AppealsSCA PageNone CurrentlyApply Here
Student Publications CouncilSPC CharterTwo (one beginning end of Fall Quarter, one beginning end of Spring QuarterApply Here
Student Technology Fee Tech Initiatives CommitteeStudent Technology Fee Tech Initiatives Committee Charge/Charter
STF Tech Initiatives
   Faculty Senate-Appointed
     Academic Technology Committee-Appointed
Apply by Nov 15
Senate Appointment 
ATC Appointment