Academic Technology Committee

Who We Are

The Academic Technology Committee of the Faculty Senate works to ensure that faculty are kept apprised of and have a forum through which to participate in the maintenance and enhancement of Western’s use of and investment in technology impacting teaching, learning, and research.

What is ATC

The ATC:

  • Seeks to maintain a holistic overview of the WWU’s technology facilities and resources
  • Facilitates and evaluates Western’s investment in academic and information technology facilities and resources to help ensure that they effectively and efficiently serve the strategic activities and the academic requirements of students and faculty

Specifically, the Committee:

  • Reviews, assesses, and communicates the technology needs of faculty and recommends priorities
  • Provides advice, guidance, and support to the WWU’s Information Technology Services and to other units considering investment in or the adequacy of technology resources impacting teaching, learning, and research
  • Participates in the dissemination of technology and cybersecurity policy and best practices to the faculty
  • Recommends strategic priorities to the Student Technology Fee Committee to aid in their review of proposals
  • Stays informed about technology purchasing initiatives with potential to have broad impact upon teaching, learning, research, academic advising, or faculty review prior to resource acquisition and contract negotiation
  • Assists the Faculty Senate by evaluating and advising on the impact of technological resources that are integral to items discussed and/or acted upon by the Senate and its standing committees

ATC Chair

Derek Moscato (Journalism)

ATC Meeting Dates

ATC 2023-2024 Meeting Dates
Quarter Date Agenda link
Winter Mon, 2/5/2024 - 4:00 pm
Winter Mon, 3/4/2024 - 4:00 pm
Spring Mon, 4/1/2024 - 3:30 pm
Spring Mon, 5/6/2024 - 4:00 pm
Spring Mon, 6/3/2024 - 4:00 pm