ACC Policies and Guidance

Policy on Credit Hours

ACC is responsible for ensuring every approved course at Western is assigned an appropriate number of credit hours, meets Western's credit hour definition, and complies with the total student work per credit.

Syllabus Requirements and Guidance

ACC revised its Syllabus Requirements and Guidance to assist with new courses, courses with existing or new GUR attributes, course revisions, etc.


ACC defines the term "crosslisting" for more clarity at the schedule level; includes examples that may appear to be crosslisting but don't meet the definition, and examples that may not occur.

Large Scale Curriculum Changes Criteria

ACC recognizes the need for regulating large-scale changes to curriculum, creating a streamlined approach that includes criteria for approval and workflow.

Study Abroad Course Numbering

Every academic department and academic program with an approved subject code will have a generic course number, X37, available for faculty-led study abroad courses.

Guidelines for Student-Faculty Designed Majors and Concentrations Titles

These guidelines are intended to ensure better communication to the ACC regarding the review processes of student-faculty designed majors and interdisciplinary concentrations.

Guidance Regular and Substantive Interaction (RSI)

The Department of Education provides regulations guiding online education. All institutions who receive Federal financial support, including student financial aid, must comply with these regulations. 

Course Modality Definitions

ACC-approved definitions of instructional method or delivery method of a course.

Religious Accommodation

Western provides reasonable accommodation for students to take holidays for reasons of faith or conscience or for organized activities conducted under the auspices of a religious denomination, church, or religious organization.

Course Repeatability

ACC requires that all repeatable courses specify limitations upon repeatability and that course descriptions for repeatable classes include standardized language articulating these limits. 

Course Modality Timeline and Contingency Planning

ACC's current timeline and planning for course modality approval. Includes current definitions for Western approved course modalities.

Requesting Degree Program Moratorium

ACC implemented a new procedure for requesting a moratorium for a program of study, and programs being considered for permanent cancellation must be placed into moratorium first.

Course Titles

A proposed new course, whether temporary or permanent, cannot have a title identical in its entirety, or substantially identical in its entirety, to that of a course already published (or already approved for publication) in the University Catalog.

Reuse of Course Numbers

The ACC, in conjunction with the Registrar’s Office mandates that old course numbers not be used for a new course number for at least five years since that last date of offering to avoid confusion in the University Catalog for current, perspective, and/or returning students.

Recommended Review of All Permanently Approved Online/Hybrid Courses for Compliance

All permanently approved online and hybrid courses will be reviewed for compliance with the ACC Credit Hour Policy, ACC Syllabus Requirements and Policy, and the newly Provost-approved college and department modality policies.

Timeline and Plan for Writing Proficiency Points

ACC's current timeline and plan to implement fixed WP values for the 2024-2025 University Catalog.

Temporary Courses

X97 numbering is reserved for temporary courses. The course number must indicate the appropriate level of the course; a letter suffix will be assigned to differentiate similarly numbered temporary courses.