What is ACC

The Academic Coordination Commission (ACC) is a major standing committee of the Faculty Senate charged with oversight of all aspects of the curriculum, curricular policy, and Western’s academic enterprise. Through its review process, ACC ensures curricular coherence, sets appropriate standards for student admission and progress through the curriculum, promotes the assessment of learning outcomes, and enforces guidelines for graduation requirements.

ACC also reviews minutes from its standing committees, the Committee on Undergraduate Education and the Council on University Programs.

ACC meets on alternating Tuesdays during the Fall, Winter, and Spring quarters. The Committee prepares its agenda of curriculum items one week prior to its meetings. Agendas and minutes are posted on the Faculty Senate website.

ACC Curriculum Approval Process

New or revised courses are sent from a faculty member for approval to their department and then forwarded to the college curriculum committee to review. Minutes from these college meetings reflect the actions taken and are forwarded to the ACC. All course and program of study permanent and temporary curriculum review is done through Curriculum - Western's curriculum management software (formerly known as Curriculog).

ACC approval ensures correlation between colleges and eliminates overlap or redundancy. Upon approval ACC forwards its information to the Senate and to the Registrar and Catalog Coordinator for the WWU University Catalog.

Get Involved In Curricular Review

Faculty with an interest in the curriculum process can join their departmental or college curriculum committees appointed through the department or through their college's faculty governing council. ACC candidates make it known to their college governing councils that they would like to serve and following confirmation by the college, the appointments are confirmed by the Faculty Senate in spring quarter.

Committees Reporting to ACC

The following committees report to ACC:

  • Committee on Undergraduate Education (CUE)
  • Graduate Faculty and Governance Council (GFGC)
  • Council on University Programs (CUP)
  • Teacher Curricula and Certification Council (TCCC)
  • College curriculum committees
    • College of Science and Engineering CC
    • College of Humanities and Social Sciences CC
    • College of Fine and Performing Arts CC
    • College of Business and Economics CC
    • College of the Environment CC
    • Fairhaven College of Interdisciplinary Studies CC
    • Woodring College of Education CC
    • Western Libraries CC