Senate Outreach and Continuing Education Committee

Who We Are

The Senate Outreach and Continuing Education Committee's (SOCEC) goal is to help continuing education support the University's mission, strategic goals, and values.

What is SOCEC


  • Provides advice and recommendations to the Vice Provost for Outreach and Continuing Education and the Faculty Senate
  • Serves as liaison between the faculty and the Vice Provost for Outreach and Continuing Education

Specifically, the committee:

  • Provides advice on current and future policies, procedures, and programs offered or considered by or through Extended Education to the Senate and relevant committees
  • Discusses ideas about Outreach and Continuing Education programs
  • Reviews and assesses the activities and direction of Outreach and Continuing Education
  • Reports annually to the Faculty Senate and ACC the following:
    • the mission and budget of Outreach and Continuing Education
    • programs runs through Outreach and Continuing Education
    • students served during the previous academic year, including summer term
    • the number of undergraduate and graduate courses offered for credit during the previous academic year, broken up by program, site, mode of delivery, and type of faculty (NTT or T/TT)
  • Provides other information requested by the Faculty Senate

SOCEC Chair AY 2024-25

Shawn Knabb (Economics)

2024-25 SOCEC Meeting Dates

Senate Outreach and Continuing Education Committee (SOCEC) meets on third Wednesdays at 4:00 p.m. in Old Main 355.
Senate Outreach and Continuing Education Committee (SOCEC) 2024-25 Meeting Dates
Quarter Date Agenda link
Fall Wed, 10/30/2024 - 4:00 pm
Fall Wed, 11/20/2024 - 4:00 pm
Winter Wed, 1/15/2025 - 4:00 pm
Winter Wed, 2/19/2025 - 4:00 pm
Winter Wed, 3/19/2025 - 4:00 pm
Spring Wed, 4/16/2025 - 4:00 pm
Spring Wed, 5/21/2025 - 4:00 pm

2024-2025 SOCEC Meeting Minutes

FallOctober 30, 2024October 30, 2024 SOCEC Meeting Minutes
FallNovember 20, 2024November 20, 2024 SOCEC Meeting Minutes