ACC Motion Logs and Motion Form

Summarized Actions of ACC

Action items are passed by ACC each academic year. Actions taken by the committee are identified in the meeting minutes as "motions," and are documented/published at the end of each academic year.

For action items passed by ACC prior to the 2017-18 academic year, go to ACC Motions from Prior Years.

Submit a Motion to ACC

To submit a motion to ACC contact ACC Chair Kristi Tyran for more information.

ACC Motion Logs

Academic Year ACC Motions ACC President
2022-2023 Coming soon Kristi Tyran
2021-2022 Coming soon Brooke Love
2020-2021 Coming soon Brooke Love
2019-2020 Coming soon Sheila Webb
2018-2019 Motion logs Sheila Webb
2017-2018 Motion logs Sean Murphy