Recommended Review of all Permanently Approved Online/Hybrid courses for Compliance

Effective Date

ACC approved Nov. 7, 2023

Faculty Senate approved Nov. 27, 2023


APPROVED ACC Proposal for AY 2023-24 Modality Compliance

Recommended Review of all Permanently Approved Online/Hybrid courses for Compliance with the new Provost-Approved College and Department Modality Policies

As we are 2 years into the “post pandemic shutdown” era, many colleges are expected to soon have approved official Modality Policies.  All new online and hybrid courses will demonstrate that they are compliant with these policies through the Curriculum Approval process.  However, existing permanently approved online and hybrid courses will have no such evidence of compliance.  Given new Accreditation priorities around online education related to (a) demonstration of substantive interaction and (b) reliable student identification verification, WWU must prioritize compliance with the new college Modality Policies.

Desired outcome

All permanently approved online and hybrid courses will be reviewed for compliance with the ACC Credit Hour Policy, ACC Syllabus Requirements and Policy, and the newly Provost-approved college and department modality policies.

Responsible parties

Every department that has permanently approved online/hybrid courses and all college curriculum committees as of Fall 2023.


  1. Departments will generate a list of all courses with permanent online and/or hybrid modality approval.  Departments can generate course approved modality lists when running SWRCMOD (course catalog modality report) in Banner.
  2. Departments will collect one syllabus per instructor for every class section taught with online Synchronous, online asynchronous, and hybrid modality for the past eight (8) quarters (including Summer Session).
  3. Departments will review all syllabi for compliance with the following:
    1. College (and department if applicable) modality policy
    2. ACC Credit Hour Policy
    3. ACC Syllabus Requirements and Guidance
  4. After review, departments will submit a report of compliance to their college curriculum committee.  Each department report should have all course syllabi attached in an appendix.
  5. The college curriculum committee will review each department report and either approve the report or provide feedback for required changes in all non-compliant classes.
  6. If the college curriculum committee provides feedback with required changes to a course.  Departments must resubmit their report indicating which classes are compliant.
  7. The college curriculum committee then provides a memo with their ACC minutes when all department reports are submitted summarizing the courses that are compliant and those that should be changed to only face-to-face modality. 

The deadline for this review: December 1, 2024.