Operational Student Employees' Right to Form a Union and Collectively Bargain
Effective Date
Faculty Senate approved Jan. 29, 2024
Currently, 1,100 operational student employees (OSEs) work at WWU in a wide variety of roles, including as program support staff, recreation assistants, clerks, laborers, lifeguards, resident advisors, and more. In December, a majority of these student employees filed a petition with the Washington Public Employment Relations Commission to be represented as part of Western Academic Workers United-United Auto Workers (WAWU-UAW Local 4121).
In 2023, the Legislature passed and the Governor signed a bill to recognize the right of Educational Student Employees (ESEs) to form a union and collectively bargain. OSEs are not covered by this law.
There is legislation pending before the Washington Senate (SB 5895) to rectify this exclusion and recognize the right of Western OSEs to form a union and collectively bargain.
Senate Action
A motion was made by (and seconded) to approve a resolution in support of SB 5895. The resolution:
- Calls upon WWU to support SB 5895
- Calls upon the Legislature to pass the bill and the governor to sign it into law
The motion passed unanimously, with zero abstentions.